Sunday, July 06, 2008

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...this is the secret you've been searching for. The Golf Swing Secret...get it today!

Practice the Right Way for Maximum Results In Less Time!

By: Bobby Lopez, PGA

The Process

Before beginning any drill motion, be sure you are set up properly. As you now know, good alignment and address are prerequisites for a good swing motion. By the time you practice your swing, you should have developed these setup skills (through the same kind of deliberate, conscientious practice procedures).

Some of these drills can be practiced anywhere. Some can be practiced without a club, some with a club but no ball. You will be surprised by the results of this �dummy� practice. However, for your time at the range we recommend practicing in the following manner.

Before we begin to analyze your swing motion, we need to agree on the method for making repairs. You must trust our years of experience in golf instruction and follow the plan as prescribed. Also, practice means just that, practice. NEVER PRACTICE WHILE ATTEMPTING TO SCORE ON THE GOLF COURSE! Let the practice and drill work merge into your golf game naturally.

First, isolate the problem motion or position. Assign a repetition drill or �antidote� motion that will replace the current swing fault. This can only take place through careful, thoughtful and disciplined repetition of the assigned drill. Doing the drills without hitting a golf ball can be preferable.

Range Practice

At the range, begin each drill with a �ghost� motion. This is a slow, deliberate run-through of the motion you intend to develop. It is a dry run. You should perform the ghost motion three times before hitting a ball.

Next, practice the drill itself using a ball. Then incorporate the drill into a full swing motion as you hit the ball.

After hitting a ball, DO NOT immediately reach for another golf ball. Instead, take inventory of your swing motion. First observe the flight of the ball. Watch it all the way to the ground. As you are doing this, analyze your finishing position. Did you finish in balance? Do you have good posture? Is all your weight resting comfortably on your front foot? Is your chest facing the target? Is your grip in the same position as when you started the swing?

This self-critique is vital. The information you gain makes all the difference in the world. If you don�t ask these questions, you will soon be practicing without focus. Repeating the drill improperly, without awareness, will do more harm than good.

Don�t be embarrassed to practice this way at the range. What you are doing is far more effective than unconsciously banging away at range balls as most players do. We call those guys �basket-cases,� because they are constantly dragging from the basket another ball with which to bury their swing potential. Perhaps, one day, everyone will have
enough understanding to practice properly. Until then, be willing to be a maverick.

Once again, the range practice method is as follows:

(1) Check your setup position before beginning the drill. Pound the importance of good preparation into your head every chance you get.

(2) Perform the drill three times without using a ball. Visualize the motion and absorb the physical sensation of doing it properly.

(3) Perform the drill with a ball. This means you will execute only the drill, not a completed swing motion. DO NOT worry about ball flight. Most people try so hard to hit the ball far, they lose sight of the drill on which they are working.

(4) Hit with a full swing. Incorporate the motion practiced in the drill into your full swing motion. Concentrate. When you finish, take the time to evaluate your motion. A proper finishing position is just as important as a proper address. The address is a forecast of what will happen � the finish is a summary of what happened. The finish is a history lesson. It is a lesson you must learn if you are to improve.

This practice procedure may sound laborious. It does take a little work to hold your focus. However, we promise you will find the whole thing much more enjoyable and rewarding than the old �grip and go.� A �mindless� attitude can help on the golf course, not on the practice range.

Article Source:

Get a FREE online golf lesson from the Golf Swami at: Bobby Lopez, PGA Bobby Lopez and the G-TEAM (757) 382-5500

Hints About Weighted Golf training Clubs

To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
Learn more about golf clubs today!

Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...PGA of America

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