Saturday, August 02, 2008

Today's Golf News

Featured Golf Article

Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!

By Lee MacRae

How To Swing A Golf Club Like A Pro

Learning how to swing a golf club properly is the Holy Grail for any golfer. Beginners usually start out by having someone show them how to do it. But even longtime golfers are often watching their friends or asking others for tips on how they do it. Then try to apply what they see or hear. In a nutshell, everyone is looking for the perfect way to swing a golf club.

And for some people, learning how to swing a golf club and swinging it well becomes a very simple task. For others it becomes a very difficult task, finding it difficult to understand how you can keep your arms "straight" and still feel natural, swinging a golf club and driving the ball any distance at all. Anything sound familiar here?

No matter how you swing a golf club, the golf swing can be broken down into individual components. You have the backswing, the downswing, the impact of the club with the ball and the follow-through after the impact. Each and every one of these has to be done in a specific way for the shot to be successful. Many people struggle with fitting them all together smoothly. And then many people forget about the pre-shot routine, another aspect of the golf swing that is highly neglected. Take a look at all of your professional PGA golfers and you will see that they have a consistent and usually very brief pre-shot routine. Then visit your local golf course and watch the long drawn out affairs so many people engage in before they hit a golf ball. And if you watch long enough you'll actually see that most people never do the same thing twice. Unlike the golf professional, the duffer has a varied pre-shot routine both in time and method. Neglecting any aspect of your golf swing is a sure fire way to higher scores.

And whether you are just taking up golf, or been playing for some time, you should be aware that you have a tremendous tool to improve your golf swing in your golf game. I'm talking about the videos we can all watch today of golf professionals and how they play. And amazingly we also have on demand videos on the Internet that are absolutely free of great golfers like Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh or John Daly or past greats like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Sam Snead, Walter Hagan or Gene Sarazen. Imagine being able to sit and watch how golfers, credited with having great golf swings, perform the task. Talk about a golden opportunity to learn.

Of course, videos are often not enough and golf lesson can be a tremendous benefit. Taking lessons from a golf professional and then watching how everything is implemented by the touring professionals can take your game a long way. Of course, not everyone can afford golf lessons, or at least not more than one or two. in that case, you can add something like an e-book that you can use to study and apply with your lessons and your videos. A book that has been highly recommended is one by golf Hall of Fame legend Gene Littler. He was nicknamed "Gene the Machine" due to his smooth rhythmical swing. Littler believed that, "Golf is not a game of great shots. It's a game of the most misses. The people who win make the smallest mistakes." A great philosophy and obviously the kind of teacher to help improve a golf swing and golf game.

Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!

About the author

Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's How To Master The Golf Swing.! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.

Tips On Golf Drivers

Level Legs
The lack of traction in bunkers forces the legs to function differently than they do on full shots�they must maintain their flex during the entire swing instead of posting up through impact. This will keep you nice and level through the shot.
...Golf Tips magazine

top 50 tips9. Through The Navel
An extension of the shaft at address should point at your navel. This ensures that the body is bent over the proper amount and is far enough from the ball.
...Golf Tips magazine

Set up your shots correctly
You won't get very far in a car without knowing how to use its controls. And it's exactly the same for golf. It's really no more complicated than feeling comfortable and balanced over the ball. The first place to start is making sure you aim correctly. As a general rule, you should keep club face square to the target. The exception to this is when you are deliberately trying to hook or slice the ball. It should be square to your body - wherever you are in your backswing. Try stopping your club at a variety of positions in your swing. The most important thing to remember is that the club head should be square to your body at all times.
...BBC golf

Use Your Body For Power
Every good golfer knows that power comes from the body, not the arms. To learn to power the club with your body instead of your arms and hands, put the club behind the ball at address, with your body in a dead-stop position. Without taking a backswing, try to drag the ball into the air. If you're a player who uses his or her hands to control the club, you'll probably struggle at first. However, you'll quickly find that once you start moving the club with your body, you'll begin to get the ball in the air more consistently. This helps you turn fully through the ball on the downswing.
...Golf Tips magazine

Golf Related News

Correct Your Slice with Help from “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”

Fri, 09 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT

Wood rises to memory of Rose to keep sights on silver

Sat, 19 Jul 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>Chris Wood yesterday evoked memories of Justin Rose's Open heroics of a decade ago with a brilliant finish to his second round that boosted his hopes of finishing the tournament as the leading amateur player.</p>

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Today's Golf News

Our Featured Golf Article

Destroy your golf slice in a matter of minutes using this revolutionary new system!

Make Your Sick Golf Swing Healthy

By Eugene Benade

Your golf swing plays the most important part in your golf game. Can you play golf if you don�t have an effective golf swing? Many pro golfers comment that you make your money on the green. The reality of the matter is you have to get on the green first or it�s no money for you. If you hit a poor drive or a poor approach shot and are left with a difficult chip or bunker shot no money for you. You must fix your golf swing.

Having a reliable golf swing can give your confidence a huge lift. When you walk out on that first tee and you hit a perfect drive down the centre you immediately look forward to the rest of the day. Fixing your golf swing will undoubtedly help the rest of your game. Your golf swing is the core of your golf game.

So you�ve decided to fix your golf swing. Most of us can�t afford private lessons with a pro but there are many books available to help you with your golf swing or you can just surf the web like you are doing now. Just like technology has advanced at a rapid rate so has golf instruction and techniques to help you with your golf swing and your golf game. You only need to make the first step.

The fact of the matter is if you really want to start enjoying your golf game and impress your friends and family you need to get some sort of instruction to help you with your golf swing. Won�t it be fantastic if you can drop your handicap with five shots or more in just a week? You can if you cure that golf swing. There are many ways you can improve your golf swing that won�t completely ruin your budget.

I know this website that�s dedicated to help golfers fix their golf swing, give it a try you might just be surprised, go to [ ]Effective golf swing

Tips About Golf Putters

Putting With Symmetry
Despite a great setup position and solid stroke, deceleration causes a lot of putts to miss the target. Making the length and the speed of the stroke the same back and through is a fundamental fix for deceleration and also a great way to develop your speed control. Try this drill: Place a tee equidistant from the ball on the backstroke and followthrough. Practice putting, keeping the putterhead at the tee on both ends of the stroke. Increase or decrease the speed to hit the ball different distances.
...Golf Tips magazine

Leg Angle
The lower leg should angle away from the ball at setup. This helps the body weight move off the heels and into the balls of the feet. This is an athletic position that really works.
...Golf Tips magazine

Lean Left
It's critical to start and keep your weight toward your front foot during the entire motion of a bunker shot. This encourages the club to sustain its speed through impact, which in turn creates the wave of sand necessary to carry the ball in the air.
...Golf Tips magazine

Golf Related News

Garcia at full tilt serves up impression of mighty Nadal

Sat, 05 Jul 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>It was difficult to adjudicate which was Sergio Garcia's biggest achievement yesterday. Shooting a 64 to conjure his way back into the European Open or then making it around the M25 and the capital in time to see his friend Rafael Nadal sprint through his semi-final at Wimbledon. There were stages during the usual Friday rush when both seemed on the outskirts of impossible.</p>

Harrington defies wrist pain to fire battling 74

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>It could have been much, much worse. That was the first-day verdict of the reigning Open champion, Padraig Harrington, after a four-over-par 74. Not even a bogey-bogey finish could dampen his spirits too much. He was glad simply to still be in the tournament, and not just in it but within sight of the leaders when so many others had seen their hopes ripped to shreds in the wind and rain. </p>

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Golf Town

Featured Writer

This is the secret you've been searching for. The
Golf Swing
Secret...get it today!

Taking Up The Game of Golf

By: John Rivers

Golf has always been a popular sport among many different people. It is often associated with executive businessmen and while it is true that golf is a particularly popular choice with many businessmen, it is also popular in other walks of life. There are a number of good reasons to take up golf but the only real way to find out if it is a good choice for you is to give it a go. You should be able to borrow or rent some clubs in order to play a couple of rounds of golf because a set of clubs can prove fairly expensive if you only use them a couple of times before putting them in the attic.

Golf is a healthy sport. As well as getting you out in the fresh air it also exercises the heart, the lungs and many muscles when you are walking round the course. It may not seem much, but playing a round of golf every week is a very good way of helping to prevent heart disease and other illnesses.

Golf can be a good way to socialize. Visiting the clubhouse after a round of golf gives you the opportunity to meet new people and chat to friends about how your round went and your life in general. As another aspect of this, it also gives you the opportunity to network if you are a businessman.

The modern golf game is centered around perfect shots, scientific practice and ability. Gone are the days of wearing plus fours and cloth caps and in are the days of larger heads, metal woods and graphite shafts. While talent and ability are obviously the most important factors, there is certainly a lot of equipment around that claims to improve different aspects of your game.

Article Source:

John Rivers is owner of The Golf Champ

More Info On Golf Putter

Wear Wristbands
A must if you want to look cool.
...Golf Tips magazine

Positioning of the Hands
As with any stroke, the path of the ball will be dictated by the positioning of the hands and feet, so these should be adjusted in order to send the ball right with the correct amount of spin to curve it round. The clubface should remain square on to the ball but the feet and shoulders should be aligned to the right. This will result in the clubface swinging on an inside to outside path and placing the correct spin of the ball so that it curves rather than travels in a straight line.
...mastering golf UK

Golf Related News

Titleist Tour Report: Bell Canadian Open

Fri, 08 Sep 2006 00:00:00 GMT
This week's Titleist Tour Report from the Bell Canadian Open features Pro V1x player Bob May.

Direct from the Tour: The Presidents Cup - Day Two

Sat, 24 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Watch Chris DiMarco and Nick O'Hern after Day 2 at the 2005 Presidents Cup.

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Latest Golf News

Featured Writer

Get this best selling golf eBook and Mp3 audio file to improve your skill level

How To Choose Ladies Golf Clubs

By: Elaine Clarke

The rules of golf allow a maximum of 14 clubs in your bag when you are playing a game.Each club is designed for a different purpose and will hit the ball a different distance.

Now you have to be able to decide which club to use and when. When trying to decide the length of the shot, you also need to be aware of the hight the ball will travel - this is called as the loft.

Usually clubs have a number on the head by which they can be identified. The higher the number, the lesser the distance the club will hit. Each club has a grip made of rubber, a shaft made of steel or graphite and a club head made of steel or alloy parts.

There are 3 types of clubs:-

* Woods

* The Irons

* Putter


When golf was first played, the original players used clubs where the club head was made from wood, and this is how the name stuck. With the advent of ever changing technology club heads have changed both in shape and size and are today made from hard metals such as steel or tungsten.

* Ladies woods can be from 1 to 15.

* The Driver is used of the tee and is sometimes call No.1.

* Most ladies use the 3,4,5,7, or 9 woods from the fairway.

* Numbers 11,13 and 15 are usually of a much higher loft and are used to make specific shots (more of this in another article).


The club head is usually made of metal and numbered 1-9. Remember number 1 will hit further than number 9. Also remember that the higher the number the higher the ball will go.

Wedges, such as a pitching wedge or a sand wedge also come in the the iron catagory. A sand wedge is mainly used as the name would suggest to escape from bunkers, and generally wedges are used to get more height on the ball.


Putters, on which there is very little loft, are generally used on or just off the green when the ground is smooth and firm. There is a vast range of putters available to the golfer giving wide choice of shapes, weights and sizes. In fact there is no right or wrong putter and you should choose whichever give you the best results.


The hybrid or rescue club as it has become known is a combination of the wood and iron, and is a big hit with lady golfers. Mostly it is used as a distance club, being more forgiving than a wood off the fairway. It has quickly become a standard part of the range of ladies clubs.


Most golfers put head covers on their woods to protect the heads and stop them clanking against each other when on the move. You should dry woods off carefully if they become wet, wiping off any grass, mud or sand which accumulates on the head.

When rubber grips become dirty they can be washed with soap and water. When they become shinny they are ready for a change and this can be done by your local professional.


There are many factors which can be taken into account when choosing clubs, but the most important is that you are comfortable with them. There are many brands to choose from, but some practice shots with demonstration clubs will help you decide.

Before you buy any clubs, its sensible to find an outlet that will allow you to 'try out' different types of clubs in order to help make up your mind.

It may not follow that irons and woods from the same manufacturer suit your game. It could be prudent to buy some now and some later. Lots of players do not buy complete sets and will often add clubs at a later date.

It may not be necessary for you to buy a driver straight away, as this is a difficult club to use. Maybe buy just a 3 or 5 wood to start. It could be that to get you going, a half set of irons would be suitable, such as a 5,7,9,PW,SW. To add more in later when you know what is required is a simple matter.

More Info On Weighted Golf training Clubs

Custom Golf Putters

When it comes to putters the general rule of thumb is that if you CAN putt with a conventional putter, then you SHOULD putt with a conventional putter. But if you've got the yips or are too "handsy," a belly putter or long putter (also called a broomstick putter) might be worth checking out. Both reduce wrist action but distance control becomes dicier. Golfers with back woes might want to look at a long putter.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Nike golf balls from our online store.

The key to hitting the ball farther with the modern driver and golf ball (which spins much less off of a flat face than balls of the past) is high launch combined with a low spin rate. Our goal is to get enough spin to achieve lift, while minimizing (hopefully eliminating) drag.
...Golf Help

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Tue, 28 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Geoff Ogilvy Leads Titleist Players to 1-2-3 Sweep at WGC-Accenture World Match Play

Titleist Announces Free Personalization Golf Ball Promotion

Mon, 10 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT

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